KAPCON 2024 Scientific Sessions

KAPCON 2024 Scientific Sessions

Theme: Changing paradigms in Diagnostic Medicine - Morphology to Molecular Pathology

Date: 19.10.2024 (Day 1)
Time Lecture Hall 1 Speaker Lecture Hall 2 Speaker
8.00 am to 9.30 am Registration & Breakfast
9.00 am to 9.45 am Renal cell carcinoma revisited: Morphology to Molecular concepts Dr Anuradha C K Rao Colorectal Adenocarcinoma-overview of molecular and morphological characteristics Dr K V Santosh
9.45 am to 10.30 am Carcinoma Prostate Classification and Gleason Scoring – The WHO 5th Edition perspective Dr N. Jayaram Thyroid Cytology: Connecting the dots: Bench to Bedside Dr Usha Kini
10.30 am to 11.30 am Inauguration
11.30 am to 12.30 pm Dr M R Parthasarathy & Dr A V Ramaprasad Silver plaque Oration:
Behind Glass: Learnings in Bone /Soft tissue pathology -
Dr. Rekha V Kumar
12.30 pm to 1.15 pm Insights towards a morphology guided molecular applications in diagnostic evaluation of CNS tumors Dr Nandeesh B N Spice N Nice Slide Seminar Dr Malathi M
1.15 pm to 2.15 pm EC Lunch
2.15 pm to 3.00 pm Role of Conventional Cytogenetics in Molecular Era Dr Kavita B L CVS pathology: microscopic to mutational analysis- Case based approach Dr Pradeep Vaideeswar
3.00 pm to 3.45 pm Demystifying the diagnosis of Lymphoma: Pattern based to molecular approach Dr Ashwini Nargund Advances in classification IHC and molecular Pathology of Urothelial neoplasms Dr Saraswathy Sreeram
3.45 pm to 4.00 pm Tea Break
4.00 pm to 5.00 pm PG’s Paper Presentation (Top 5) PG & Faculty Poster (10+10)
5.00 pm to 7.00 pm General Body Meeting
7.30 pm Onwards Banquet and Culturals
Date: 20.10.2024 (Day 2)
Time Lecture Hall 1 Speaker Lecture Hall 2 Speaker
8.00 am to 9.30 am Breakfast
9.00 am to 9.45 am Enstrustable professional activity in pathology Dr Reshma Kini Autoimmune Disorder diagnosis: Best Practices for Pathologists Dr Mahesh Karigoudar
9.45 am to 10.15 am Case based coagulation studies Dr Sukesh C Nair Approach to Vesiculobullous diseases of skin Dr Kanthilatha Pai
10.15 am to 10.30 am Tea Break
10.30 am to 11.30 am Panel Discussion – I Clinical & Laboratory approach to Thrombophilia Panelists:
Dr. Sukesh Nair
Dr. Dnyanesh Morkar
Dr. Shrishail Metgud
Dr. Ramadevi Wani
Dr Hema Shantagiri
Panel Discussion – II Medical Education: What’s New in New Curriculum Panelists:
Dr Sitalakshmi S Dr Reshma Kini
Dr Varadendra
Dr Rajashree Ingin
Dr Bhagyashri Hunagund
11.30 am to 12.30 pm Faculty’s Paper Presentation (Top 5) UG Paper & Poster (Top 3)
12.30 pm to 1.30 pm Quiz - Dr Aditya Agnihotri & Team
1.30 pm to 2.30 pm Lunch Break
2.30 pm to 3.15 pm Navigating Myelodysplastic syndromes and Myeloproliferative neoplasms-From morphology to molecular Dr. Sitalakshmi Subramaniam Assorted Slide seminar Dr Umashankar
3.15 pm to 4.00 pm Morpho-Molecular mapping of endometrial carcinoma-Slide Seminar Dr Anita P Javalgi Celiac disease - biopsy interpretation, guidelines and pitfalls. Dr K V Santosh
4.00 pm to 5.00 pm Valedictory