- Presentation in PowerPoint format.
- The first slide should contain the Title, Authors , Co-Authors and Affiliation.
The KAPCON 2024 logo should be on the left side & respective college / university logo should be on the right side of title. E-Paper number should be mentioned below the KAPCON 2024 logo.
- The paper should be structured as follows: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References.
- Font: Any standard font.
- Heading font size: 32 and above.
- Body font size: 24 and above.
- First author should be the presenting author. Name should be bold and underlined.
- Ensure text and background contrast, sufficient line spacing, and avoid overcrowding of slides.
- Total presentation time: 10 minutes (7 minutes presentation, 3 minutes discussion).
- Presenters should use laptop/desktop with pre-checked net connectivity. Log in at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time slot.
All accepted paper abstracts under the Faculty, PG and UG category will have paper presentations. The details of the above will be released shortly.